Hello, From Your New Esthie

Hi friends! I wanted my first post to be more of a welcome/intro post instead of diving into skin care or the other topics I plan on writing.

I’m excited to be in a place where I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and knowledge with you, and I appreciate anyone who stops by the blog. 

Starting a blog had been on my mind for quite some time, but I never really knew where to start. I didn’t think my words had any value but I quickly realized that wasn’t the case when I educate and help others with their skin care concerns on a daily basis. 

Another part of it was insecurities and not feeling ready. 

I’m a very impulsive individual, and with the New Year being around the corner at the time, I added a picture of starting this blog to my vision board. 

So here we are!

I know I’m not the only one who feels stuck or stagnant with where they are in life, but I can finally say that I’m starting to catch on to the rhythm of the beat of this path I’m on. 

Even though I still feel like I’m in the “catching up” stage, the strides I’m taking feel like they mean something. I plan to express myself in a way that could help others feel like they are working towards that feeling as well. 

I hope to help anyone who is curious about skin care or waxing needs. I hope to help anyone who feels like they are stuck. I don’t have all the answers but you aren’t alone! Let’s figure this sh*t out in the best way that we can.

This is a safe space. A place to relate to my words or learn from them. 

Welcome to the blog, friends. Stay tuned for more to come!

To learn a little more about me check out my About Me page 🦋

xoxo, Ruby